Food Pantry
Food is free at the Pilsen Food Pantry. Although our target areas are the 60607, 60608, 60609, and 60612 area codes, we provide free food for anyone in need from any area.
Clients are able to visit the food pantry every two weeks with a photo ID. ID does not have to be current. Accommodations are available for those without ID.
Email us or call us with any questions.
Monday | 10:00 am | 1:30 pm |
Tuesday | 10:00 am | 1:30 pm |
Wednesday | 10:00 am | 1:30 pm |
Thursday | 2:00 pm | 5:00 pm |
Friday | 10:00 am | 1:30 pm |
2124 S. Ashland Ave
Chicago, IL 60608
Available items:
Perishable food like fruit, vegetables, eggs, cheese, meat, chicken, and fish.
Non-perishable foods like grains, beans, peanut butter, and canned items.
Hygiene and household items like menstrual supplies, toothpaste, and light bulbs.
Food offerings are sourced from daily pickups and deliveries from Greater Chicago Food Depository, Trader Joe’s, Imperfect Foods, and Urban Canopy.
Occasional donations come from Hunger Resource Network (chicken day twice annually), food drives, midwest farms, and ad hoc wholesaler arrangements.
Menstrual products are donated from the Junior League of Chicago and local drives.
Clients can also be connected to SNAP and other social services.
How it works:
WE HAVE MOVED - The new address is 2124 S. Ashland (clients enter through Ashland door)
Present a photo ID with an address or a piece of mail
Those without ID will NOT be turned away (We have policies in place to accommodate those without ID or address)
You will be handed a numbered ticket and will be called up to the registration desk when your number is called to register and/or fill out your shopping list of available food and hygiene items
If there is a large number of people, you may be asked to wait outside momentarily until more people can safely be accommodated in the registration area
Fill out a registration form & check-in
Forms are available in English, Spanish, and Chinese dialects
Limit one order of food per household
Limit one visit per household every two weeks
Clients must be at least 15 years old
Robert, Pantry Client
“This is the nicest food pantry I have ever been to. The food is fresh and healthy.”
Nora, Pantry Client
“Me gustaría agradecer a cada una de las personas que hacen posible que nosotros seamos tan afortunados de tener alimento en nuestra mesa.”
Free food delivery
Free delivery Monday-Thursday for home-bound clients. *Deliveries are available to the following zip codes: 60607, 60608, 60609, and 60612.
Exceptions may be made for social worker requests. Call 773-812-3150 to learn more.
Be a Pantry delivery driver!
Drivers must have a valid license and their own reliable vehicle. Contact-free deliveries are completed Monday-Friday.
Marcos, Pantry Client
“I am eating so many more fruits and vegetables because of the pantry.”
Monique, Pantry Client